Wide-area network (WAN) optimization is a collection of technologies and techniques used to amplify efficiency of data-transfer across the WAN.
WAN optimization is an important part of network management, because it allows you to prioritize traffic and guarantee a certain amount of available bandwidth for the most critical applications. Some of the specific technologies used in WAN optimization include:
- Traffic shaping, in which traffic is prioritized and bandwidth is allocated accordingly.
- Elimination of redundant data, also known as data deduplication, which reduces the data that must be sent across a WAN by sending references instead of the actual data.
- Data compression, which contracts the size of data to limit bandwidth usage.
- Data caching, which is where repeatedly used data is hosted locally or on a local server for faster access.
- Streamlining data protocols, which bundles multiple requests from chatty applications into one.
- Manage bandwidth or quality of service, put limits on how much bandwidthcertain kinds of resource-hogging applications can monopolize.

As the WAN develops, with advances in applications, cloud computing, and other technologies, WAN optimization has become even more essential. These major trends are driving more and more traffic over the WAN which will have a major impact specifically on the performance of business-critical applications that cross the WAN. The WAN’s inherent latency issues and the cost of network bandwidth are major issues for businesses right now. The two ways to address this need for greater bandwidth are to purchase more or use what you already have more effectively through WAN optimization. For many companies, WAN optimization can bring significant improvements to business operations.